Bought it for our younger daughter who is 4.. But my elder 7 years daughter too hops on pillion sometimes and it is sturdy enough to take on both their weights. Was easy to assemble when it arrived. I even disassembled and reassembled when I had to move. Good quality product.
Sturdy and easy to assemble
They will just enjoy gliding on it from one room to another so easy and effortless for them to get the knack of playing with it.
Wonderful car for kids
good built quality...lubricating the bearings will make it extra smooth to ride and more enjoyable for the is strong enough to bear my weight and my son's together
kids love it
My 18-month baby can handle it very easily.... special feature of this vehicle is its balance.... this vehicle run without battery with the help of is so easy to drive that my 18-month baby can drive it without using his feet with the help of steering.